Wilson Creek Travel Management Plan Survey Results

July 2024

This report presents the findings from the survey SWIMBA conducted to gather input on the future of mountain biking at Wilson Creek. The Bureau of Land Management’s upcoming review of the Travel Management Plan offers a critical opportunity to shape the area’s trails, and we sought to ensure that the mountain biking community’s voice was central to this process. By understanding current trail usage patterns and desired improvements, this survey data will inform our advocacy efforts and help create a Wilson Creek that better meets the needs of all mountain bikers.


158 people responded to the survey. The results of each survey question are listed below. SWIMBA has drawn conclusions based on the data and will work directly with the Wilson Creek Trail Coalition to suggest improvements to the BLM for the future Travel Management Plan. There is still time to make your voice heard. If you have additional comments, please contact SWIMBA at info@swimba.org


  1. Do you bike at Wilson Creek? 

SWIMBA Conclusion: The majority of survey respondents bike at Wilson Creek therefore the data can be used to determine advocacy efforts.


  1. How often do you use the trails at Wilson Creek?

SWIMBA Conclusion: Wilson Creek trails are not used as heavily as other trails surrounding the Treasure Valley.


  1. Do you use Wilson Creek year round or only seasonally?

SWIMBA Conclusion: Wilson Creek is a popular winter destination but trails users recreate there year round.


  1. Besides biking, how else do you use the trails at Wilson Creek?

SWIMBA Conclusion: Most mountain bikers also use Wilson Creek for other forms of recreation.


  1. Is there anything that would cause you to use the trails at Wilson Creek more often? 

The top responses were:

  • More or better trails
  • Access for ebikes
  • Improved trail signage
  • Better parking
  • Better weather

SWIMBA Conclusion: SWIMBA should work with the Wilson Creek Trail Coalition to advocate for more trails in the area and to allow access for ebikes. SWIMBA is already working with the Coalition to improve signage in the area. And finally, SWIMBA should work with the Coalition to propose the best parking solutions for future Travel Management Plans.

  1. Is there anything that would cause you to use the trails at Wilson Creek less often? 

The top responses were:

  • Less trails or making trails easier
  • No  access for ebikes
  • Additional motor vehicle traffic
  • Negative interactions with other trail users
  • Deteriorating trails

SWIMBA Conclusion: SWIMBA should work with the Wilson Creek Trail Coalition to advocate for more trails and keeping the characteristics of the existing trails. SWIMBA should be a leader in trail etiquette education to help reduce negative interactions between trail users. SWIMBA should work with the Coalition to ensure that trails are properly  maintained. 


  1. Do you perceive a problem with the current mixed trail use (bikers, hikers, runners, and equestrians sharing the trails) at Wilson Creek?
  1. Would you prefer single use trails (bike only, equestrian only, or hiking only)?
  1. Would you prefer single use trails if it means less trails available to bikes?

SWIMBA Conclusion: Based on the three questions above, mountain bikers do not perceive issues with sharing the trails with other users. SWIMBA should advocate for all trails to remain open to mountain biking even if those trails remain as multiuse trails. 

  1. Are there any locations where user separation would be good (specific blind turns, steep climbs/downhills, etc.)? 

The top responses were:

  • Downhill/Steep Areas
  • Blind Corners
  • W500 (Bingo)

SWIMBA Conclusion: Based on the survey results as a whole, trail users are not interested in losing access to trails to allow for separation. SWIMBA should advocate for maintaining access but increasing signage where safety concerns may exist. The Wilson Creek Trail Coalition has already proposed locations for new safety related signs and is in the process of procuring and installing signs. SWIMBA will continue to work with the Coalition on this issue. 

  1. Are there current trails that you do not want to lose access to?

Overwhelmingly, people indicated that they do not want to lose access to any trails. 

SWIMBA Conclusion: SWIMBA will continue to advocate for access to all trails at Wilson Creek.

  1. If additional trails could be added to the system at Wilson Creek, what type of trails would you like? 

SWIMBA Conclusion: SWIMBA should advocate for additional flowy, cross country trails while maintaining the technical and rocky characteristics of terrain.

  1. Are there current trails you do not use at Wilson Creek and would be willing to trade them to other user types if other trails became bike only?

Users reported that they rather share trails than lose trails. Some users indicated that overly sandy trails could be given up.

  1. Are there trails not on the current Travel Management Plan that you would like to see added?

Answers to this question varied but respondents indicated that they would like to see all of the trails that exist added to the TMP.

SWIMBA Conclusion: Based on the responses to the two questions above, SWIMBA should advocate for mountain bikers to maintain access to all existing trails on the Travel Management plan and should also advocate for existing trails in the area to be added to the Travel Management Plan. 

  1. Should Class 1 – Pedal Assist E-Bikes be allowed at Wilson Creek?

Top Responses for why ebikes are supported:

  • EBikes cause no extra damage
  • EBikes provide opportunities for those that need assistance
  • EBikes are not significantly faster than non-EBikes

Top Responses for why ebikes are not supported:

  • EBike riders do not follow good trail etiquette practices
  • EBikes are too fast/quiet for horses
  • EBikes are motorized
  1. Would you use Wilson Creek more if E-Bikes were allowed?
  1. Do you own an E-Bike?
  1. If E-Bikes were allowed at Wilson Creek, would you consider buying one?

SWIMBA Conclusion: EBikes are generally supported and SWIMBA should advocate for access for Class 1 Pedal Assist bikes at Wilson Creek. Users perceive that ebike riders do not practice good trail etiquette so SWIMBA should continue to educate the community about good trail etiquette practices. It does not appear that allowing ebikes at Wilson Creek will significantly increase overall users at Wilson Creek. 

  1. Is there anything that can/should be done to improve bikepacking or gravel biking at Wilson Creek? 

The top responses were:

  • Guide with routes/camping/water info
  • Established camping
  • Road/Trail maintenance
  • More/Longer trails

SWIMBA Conclusion: There are opportunities to expand access for bikepacking or gravel biking. SWIMBA will work with the Wilson Creek Trail Coalition to propose improvements for the future Travel Management Plan. 

  1. Do you perceive a parking issue at Wilson Creek?
  1. Should there be more parking?
  1. How important to you is the location of the current parking?

SWIMBA Conclusion: Mountain bikers do not have significant concerns about the current parking situation at Wilson Creek, but SWIMBA recognizes that the parking can be challenging for equestrians. SWIMBA should work with the Wilson Creek Trail Coalition and  support measures to mitigate parking concerns that equestrians have. Changes to the parking system are not likely to have negative impacts on the mountain biking community. 

  1. Are you a SWIMBA Member?

SWIMBA Conclusion: SWIMBA membership supports advocacy efforts like hosting this survey, analyzing the results, and advocating for changes to the Wilson Creek Travel Management Plan. SWIMBA has reviewed the survey results provided by members to ensure that all conclusions drawn from the survey align with the responses of members. If you wish to join this effort and ensure that your voice is heard, please visit https://swimba.org/join-swimba/.